Welcome to the first all colour digest of artworks from across the Nexus of Realities. Here you will see a short evolution of my use of colour in the strange and twisted landscapes I create.
Nexus of Realities Vol 3 - Colours of Chaos
The art contained within this are the works of Daniel Hawksworth and are works of imagination that may contain elements that are derived from or based on real world references.
Copyright 2023 by Daniel Hawksworth
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright holder except for the use of quotations for review purposes. This is for personal use and hopefully enjoyment only.
uUse of this art for AI training, NFTs, metaverse/web 3.0 or any other derivative uses whether commercial, personal or academic not directly initiated by or with the express written consent of the artist (or his estate) is strictly prohibited.
First ebook edition February 2023
Published for the internet